It’s not about what happens… It’s what you do about what happens


Foreal makes use of a wide range of activities for young people to access. We offer a framework that is super flexible and can be tailored accordingly.  

It may be desired that we access our local community and actively role model whilst teaching social skills and positive interactions with others, done with careful consideration and planning.

Being 1 : 1 offers immense flexibility, fluidity and adaptability day to day allowing specific response to the young person’s needs as required. An acute awareness resides that knows there is so much to a person that requires attentive nurture throughout, intuitively.

The focus of the learner is on developing the practical skill, our focus is drawing out the transferable skills that are the core of every piece of work that is delivered - developing the individual that supports the navigation in life; how to be safe & how to be healthy in choices and lifestyle, developing the tools required for the trip into, through the teens years and on in to adulthood.

We take pride in working alongside the whole team.

There are benefits in being able to offer our young people the opportunity to access and engage in something new. We take time to slowly introduce these opportunities. This is where we can support the gentle development of resilience.

When navigating something side by side we can approach new barriers together teaching problem solving, providing strategies and tools. Evidence shows that stepping outside of our comfort zone is where we learn; when planned and considered in a safe & professional manner.

The simplicity of a space away from ‘the norm’ can be quite powerful. We are mindful too that it can also be intimidating. With careful and timely planning we experience the joy of taking a young person out to build a fire in the wild and cook some food, offering a moment out of everyday life, enough for them to realise there are other options and choices. It can be a great space that perhaps they may not otherwise have.

There are so many reasons that are right for us all in seeking out nature and just letting the chaos stop momentarily, whatever age.

For a lot of young people these days those moments of free play and a de-burdening of responsibility can be quite rare, but so very powerful.

That said, there are many of us that simply don’t like the outdoors, so that space or time out may take another guise.

This is what we do well, we adapt as we learn about the young person and mould the support to fit them.


Please get in touch via the contact page to find out more about the activities on offer and how we can work together to deliver the right support